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September 20 2022

Foul Odour At Washrooms And Your Health

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Our noses don’t usually notice a smell unless it’s positively pleasant, or it smells bad. Visiting the washroom, and being greeted with a foul odour is in fact, much more than simply a mood dampener. A bad odour in a washroom is usually a symptom of something more insidious.

There are very specific chemical reactions wherein the bacteria use urine as a food source resulting in causing the urine to stink with ammonia as the foul odour. We have more than learned the importance of hygiene vis a vis microbial infestation during the COVID crisis. Microbial infestation is a Potential health hazard, and in a public washroom, it could have disastrous consequences for the entire workplace.

HygieCheck, a Comprehensive Health CheckUp developed by Hygienetech identifies the individual gases which are the cause of the odour in the washroom along with the origin & intensity levels. The presence of Indole releasing bacteria as well as Organic loads can pinpoint to potential hazards & adverse consequences. HygieCheck also measures the microbial load in the washroom which could lead to cross-contamination or acquired infection. There are various other factors which are important for Odour Management, and HygieCheck covers them all.

After all – The Washrooms are the weakest link in the chain of Hygiene Security, and the chain is only so strong as its weakest link.

The most common source of bathroom odours is the form from the blowback of the foul gases from the urinal drain lines, the microbes feeding on the dried urine in the grouts near the urinals, continuous presence of such foul odour gases in the air of the washroom (Something that also directly affects long term health safety of the occupants), with humidity and temperature playing a major role in amplifying the same. A direct correlation would be the presence of airborne pathogens with the gases which adds to the hygiene security in addition to slip-ups in maintaining personal hygiene by the occupants.

We have also seen instances where the Waste Water Treatment Plant is under capacity and hence the wastewater is not treated properly; When such water is used for flushing – it not only results in an extremely noxious odour in the washrooms but also very serious health hazards. Regular Health Check-up of the washroom through HygieCheck is possibly the best way to identify the danger from a distance and to formulate strategies to contain/prevent the odour by integrating this into the existing cleaning plan. Most importantly – the HygieCheck test results offer the Facilities Head an eagle’s eye view of the exact causes of odour & threat to hygiene security thereby eliminating the need to use multiple products which might not be really useful in a given situation.

Research papers published have established that millions of microdroplets which rise up in the air during flushing of toilets have the potential to transfer viral particles in feces to toilet seat; This is clearly a case where the acquired infection is a distinct possibility. Hygienetech offers to completely prevent such infections at the workplace by offering SaniSeat on a Free to Use Basis. Our innovative tailor made packages will ensure economies beating even the simple use of toilet paper for wiping and cleaning the toilet seats.

Air fresheners are often considered as a counteractant to foul odour. These micro time mist machines utilize cartridges which contain phthalates (A known carcinogen) and have been found to be completely ineffective at resolving odour-related issues. Masking up a problem is not a permanent solution. Aside from concerns about bacterial infections, the smell of ammonia itself is harmful. Exposure to high concentrations of ammonia in the air causes immediate burning of the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory tract and can result in blindness, lung damage, or death. Inhalation of lower concentrations can cause coughing, and nose and throat irritation. HygieFRESH purifiers with 7-stage purification ensure the elimination of any of the possible odour gases in a washroom thereby ensuring an odour-free environment.

Hygienetech also offers Scenting Solutions which utilizes a novel principle of working with natural oil-based fragrances; something which has a long-lasting effect thereby giving our clients satisfactory returns on their spending.

Hygienetech offers end-to-end solutions to control foul odour at the washrooms, prevent cross-contamination through scientifically proven technologies, and provide scenting solutions which truly converts the washroom to a “Freshroom”

To know more about Odour Management for your workplaces, pls connect with us On
Write to us on info@hygienetech.in
Call us on 88795 76776.

Author : Suhani Sanghvi

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